Wednesday, February 24, 2010

1 year anniversary

On February 24, 2009 I was unemployed  I had spent many, many days waiting in my apartment to receive a phone call or an email that would  change the bleak situation.  This was both inherently boring and frustrating and I needed to mix it up.  So, on this day one year ago I embarked on an uptown mission, I was going to find the Tenenbaum mansion featured so prominently in the movie, The Royal Tenenbaums.  This adventure was not going to be one of ease.  From subway piss to incoherent uptown octogenarians, there were thousands of harmful circumstances that I could encounter along the way.  However, this day I was fortunate and encountered little distraction on the adventure from my apartment on 7th Street to the Tenenbaum house all the way up on 145th Street.  Once there, I knew that I needed to share this with people. So, a photo was taken with my recently acquired iphone and from there I uploaded it to a Facebook album.  After the house, I hoofed it down some 40 blocks, taking pictures all along the way.

The pictures taken that day became the Facebook album, What I Saw Today and later were used to create this site.  There have been 120 pictures posted in the first year (all taken with the same iphone) and about 100 more taken that did not make the cut.

Thank you for your support.


C$ said...

Word up Pops. I check out your blog on the reg.

1 Love.

Unknown said...

Love your blog man, makes me feel so unaccomplished because I've been here for two years and haven't seen most of these places.